Spirit Week

This week at school is Spirit Week. Monday was sports day. We got to wear our favorite sports team T shirt. Tuesday was superhero day. Wednesday was mismatch day/crazy hair day. Thursday is pajama day! We get to wear our pajamas. Friday is color day. 1st grade gets to wear orange clothes. Kindergarten gets to wear red. Second grade gets to wear yellow. Third grade gets to wear blue. Fourth grade gets to wear black. Our staff gets to wear white.




My crew

My crew is the best. They help me and they care for me and I care about them too. It has been the best year ever! I even got to meet some knew people. We got to do math together, reading together and playing together. My favorite thing is that I got to meet knew friends. I love my friends more then dessert. My crew means everything to me. My friends and my family are the best in the whole world. My crew is kind. My crew will always the crew!


What do you like about your friends?



My mom

momMy mom is the best! My mom means every thing to me. My mom has dark brown hair, brown eyes and glasses. My mom is so good at cooking and cleaning. I like to have girls day with my mom, and I like when my mom comes to my class on Tuesdays. My mom hugs me and kisses me goodnight. My mom comes to all my dance performances.

What do like most about your mom?


Lessons with Okaidja

At my school second graders and first graders are reading to get money from our sponsers to help people in Tanzania. Second graders got to spend time with Okaidja. We learned  African singing, dancing and drumming. Okaidja is from Ghana. Ghana is in Africa. Okaidja is good at drumming, dancing and singing. The stories of Anansi the spider are from Ghana.


Do you know how to do African drumming, dancing or singing?

games I like to play

I like to play a game called fish off water with my friends. It is a game you have to play on the play structure. It is like tag but you have to have your eyes closed if you are it. Someone is it so you have to run away if they come close to you. If the person that is it tags you then you are it. If the person that is it says fish out of water when you are on the ground then you are it. If you play fish out of water you have to have 3 or more people.

Image result for play image

What do you like to play?




First Communion


My friend Claire had her first communion. My friend Henry also had is first communion. I went to church to support my friends. Every body was fancy. After it was done we went to brunch. It was fun watching my friends.


Have you been to or have you had first communion?